Want to experience the sensual side of Barcelona?

Veröffentlicht 20.12.2017 von Danny

The Sensual Man has two sides to it. One is process where we learn more and more about different parts of our body and chakras. We connect them with eroticism and sexuality. In this process we are enlarging our borders, exploring our limits and learning how to touch people. The other aspect of the monthly gathering is an encounter for international men with local men in a context where you can feel, touch and connect in a different setting than the usual setting of a bar or a cruising ground. I also have a Whatsapp group where the participants can comment later and stay connected.  

Mostly the group is 10 to 14 persons. The themes are based on the chakras. I’m doing a different chakra every time. The workshop structure consists of two parts. One part is an exercise, where we get closer to each other and built intimacy. The second part is massage. The different chakras are related to different body parts, glands and inner organs. So for example with the throat chakra we deal with communication. The thyroid gland is responsible for growth, both physical and emotional growth. We were practising communicating what we want and listening what our partner wish for. During the erotic massage we were practising breathing together with voice. That allows us to harmonize the inner and outer vibrations of your body.